Oct 29, 2009


Steamed rice and MATSUTAKE
Chawan-mushi with MATSUTAKE
Pumpkin soup

MATSUTAKE is mushroom grow up on pine tree's root.
It's one of typical autumn flavor. But in Japan, domestic MATSUTAKE is really expensive.
It's around $100 per only one MATSUTAKE.

Here in USA, we can buy MATSUTAKE picked at USA with more reasonable price.
Like $6 per 5 MATSUTAKE. I tried to cook them as steamed rice, and chawan-mushi.
We enjoyed autumn flavor. :)


  1. I had no idea they were THAT expensive in Japan!
    Your meal sounds delicious. : )


  2. Thank you! MATSUTAKE is really expensive... You can buy one picked at China at lower price, but it still about $10 per one MATSUTAKE! MATSUTAKE is famous for not only their scent but also their price.. :(
