Oct 14, 2009

Bananas foster

Actually, it was stir-fry of bananas.
I found this recipe at "NEW COOK BOOK" by BetterHomes.

It was easy:) !

The book said that I should burn out alcohol, but it's scary...I didn't try that.

Instead, I stir-fried for a few more minutes, it was enough:)

Unfortunately, I have banana allergy.

It suddenly came to me when I was 23 or 24... the same time that I found I had allergy to latex gloves.

I was dissapointed since I loved to eat bananas for breakfast! But soon I had found I can eat cooked banana.

And then, I try to cook banana when I want to eat bananas:)


  1. Yummy. Do you ever eat them with ice cream?


  2. Not yet! Surely, the book recomend that, too!
    I'll try at next time:-)
