Jan 1, 2011

A Happy New Year

Dishes I made for the new year.
from left-upper, clockwise,

Black beans (simmered with suger and soysauce. garnished with gold flakes)
Small sardines (roasted, candied with soysauce and suger)
Herring roe (salted, seasoned with Dashi and soysauce)
These 3 are called"basic 3" for welcoming new year. Each reveals wishing for the year.
Such as "wish you can work hard in this year, too" for Black beans. ...wow, sounds like really Japanese-like.
Others are "a lot of descendant" or "large crop", like that.

Shredded kelp, squids, and carrots (pickled with Dashi and soysauce) at the bottom
Red and white salad (pickled Japanese radish and carrots)

The yellow stuff at the center is Datemaki, a kind of sweet omelet made from egg and fish.
And the white slices between bowls are Kamaboko, a kind of fish cake.
I bought them at grocery store.

I'm still a begginer of new year's dishes... Everyyear I have to struggle with cookbook.
Fortunately, these dishes are not so difficult and taste really nice :q
Wish you have a happy new year!!